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Tools and Helper


a hdynamically created list of the characters of my current round


Aging Roller

a little Helper to perform multiple aging rolls in a row, useful for generating older characters.

The Tool does not need Installation, just unzip and start the .exe

The Tool _does_ need the .Net 2.0 Framework, you can get (maybe you already have it installed) by Micro$oft


Die Roller

does nothing more than your d10 could do as well (hmm ... it lists previous roll...).

Double-Click in the lists clears the list.

The Tool _does_ need the .Net 2.0 Framework


Duell Generator

Version 1.1: not only Duells but larger scaled Combats between up to 4 Teams (each against all other) can be calculated. The Target-Selection of the Combatants is a very simple one and might result in ... hmm ... unstrategic battles.

This Program calculates the outcome of Duells between two AM5-Characters.

You can see the detailed Result of single duells or a statistic of 10.000 battles.

No _fancy_ combat options are considered, as not all possible Virtues/Flaws.

A Duell ends, when a Character goes down (dead, incap.) or has more than -7 total wound penalty.

You can load Character-Data-Files from a Generating-Tool i'm not allowed to publish. So --- just ignore that load button


The Tool _does_ need the .Net 2.0 Framework


Ars Magica is a trademark of Trident, Inc. Atlas Games is a trademark of John Nephew and Trident, Inc. The use of these trademarks here is without permission, and does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of those properties.